UC Community Guidelines
Unaligned Church provides a safe space for our members, volunteers and visitors. Our guidelines outline the expected behavior on our blog, reflecting the website's policies. Users are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings and individuality. Our guidelines aim to facilitate open discussions while promoting respect and politeness for everyone. These guidelines were created to ensure that everyone in our community and people who visit our website can engage in public conversations in a respectful manner.
Rule #1: Safety
You shall not threaten, incite, glorify, or express desire for violence, self-harm or express harm towards someone else for any reason.
You shall not provoke, promote or encourage suicide or the glorification thereof.
Rule #2: Illegal & Evil Entities
You shall not affiliate yourself with or promote the activities of illegal and evil entities that endorse child porn, sex/human trafficking, verbal and physical abuse of man/woman, domestic violence, brutality, cults and terrorism.
Rule #3: Child & Adult Sexual Exploitation
There is zero tolerance for adult and child sexual exploitation on UC. Users who violate this rule will be terminated.
Rule #4: Child & Adult Indecency Content
You shall not upload images, videos that contains adult or child porn, indecency of the human body (bikini, thong, speedo, underwear, half naked or fully naked images or videos with the same themes) or make blog/forum posts that would promote or endorse these offenses.
Rule #5: Abuse & Harassment
You shall not create, post or share abusive content.
You shall not stalk, harass or sexually harass our staff, community members, visitors or volunteers through text, emojis, emails, comments, etc.
You shall not engage in targeted harassment of someone or influence other people to participate.
Rule #6: Odious Conduct
You shall not verbally slander or discriminate other people because of race, ethnicity, nationality, caste, biological sex/gender, sexual orientation, choice of sex/gender identity, religious affiliation, political views and affiliation, age, disability, mental/physical illness.
Rule #7: Terrorist Attacks
You shall not create an account and use our services for criminal activity that will result in the loss of life.
You shall not create an account and use our services to house your organized violence, schemes and illegal activities. We will remove any accounts maintained by individual perpetrators of terrorist, violent extremist, mass violent attacks and will delete posts disseminating manifestos or other content produced by perpetrators. Such posts will be archived and stored in our database.
Rule #8: Sensitive Content
You shall not post images, or links or upload videos that is violent, bloody, gory or demonic in appearance.
You shall not share mature content within live video or talk about mature content that endorses violence, murder, gore or demons.
You shall not upload in profile or header images media that depicts murder, gore, sex, sexual violence, brutality or demons.
Rule #9: Services
You shall not use our services for unlawful purposes or to further illegal activities. Our services cannot be bought because what we offer is free to the public. Meaning, if we offer services for free, you are not permitted to steal or falsely affiliate yourself to UC as a business partner and sell our service/ service intel to third parties, vendors or brokers.
Rule #10: Copyright & Intellectual Property Of Others
You shall not post, share photos or videos of others that is a copyrighted or trademarked without the author(s), owners(s), publisher(s) consent. This does not apply if the media you want to post or share falls under “Fair Use”. Learn more about Fair Use.
You shall not post, upload on other websites or platforms, share photos or videos that are copyrighted or intellectual property of our members, visitors or staff without their authorization and permission.
Rule #10: Privacy & Your Account
Do not share or disclose your private information, password, username phone number, etc. with anyone.
You shall not use or attempt to use other credentials, passwords, tokens, keys, cookies or other types of data authorization to log into someone else's account. You are forbidden use these forbidden practices to access, add, delete or modify the private information of an account that isn't yours.
You shall not publish or post other people's private information on our website even with their authorization and permission. We do not allow exposure of a user's private information for any reason. It is a violation of our Privacy Policy. However, the only exemption to this rule is if you catch a member violating our Community Guidelines. You are allowed to take a screenshot or record the page were the member has violated the rule(s) and may send this information to the Help Center.